

New member
Oct 1, 2004
Anyone here suffer from depression and would like to share any info.?

Your reply would be appreciated.

Sep 20, 2000
doc put me on zoloft. took it one week and said screw this. took away my sex drive and made me sleep more, no thanks. i think i suffer more from stress than depression, and the fact that i am a loner and prefer the reclusive lifestyle to the fast lane.

New member
Oct 1, 2004
earl said:
doc put me on zoloft. took it one week and said screw this. took away my sex drive and made me sleep more, no thanks. i think i suffer more from stress than depression, and the fact that i am a loner and prefer the reclusive lifestyle to the fast lane.

Thanks Earl for your reply. Any bit helps.

God Bless.

New member
Dec 27, 2004
klowinns,, I've taken a big interest over the past year in more natural types of remedies after learning how brutal and greedy all these big pharmaceutical and drug companies are.. Believe me when I tell you these guys are not in the drug business for our best interests and to cure us of all diseases doesn't exactly help their bottom line.. I don't think you could pay me to take anti-depression drugs from these guys.. I've never had to deal with depression before , so have never tried this.. but one of the highly recommended natural and safe remedies for depression that I've seen mentioned on numerous occasions is to take St.Johns Wort pills... They are very popular in Europe and outsell many of the well known drug company anti-depressants drugs.. they are also very cheap to buy ,, like 12 -15 bucks for a bottle of them.. not only is it safe, it is supposedly very effective.. Like I said, I've never tried it, just the messenger here..

New member
Dec 27, 2004
also, if you have a couple hours to spare,, use google and type in "depression natural cures" , you'll probably find other recommendations out there besides St.Johns Wort... I listed that one because I know its the most popular natural remedy for depression,, probably many more out there

Sep 20, 2000
VAN, good call. the pharmaceutical companys are big business. they want to brain wash the country that you need a rx for whatever you think is bothering you. i saw a survey that said half the usa adult population was on a prescribed drug of some kind. im not paying $100 a bottle for pills. live right, eat right, stay in shape. its the only body you have, take care of it on your own terms.

New member
Jan 15, 2005
Im on lexapro and clonezapens for it. Not really depressed just anxiety attacks which are all in the same boat. Ive been dealing with it for a year now. Exercise is the main thing!!! Always have something fun planned to do! I started my own forum thinking it would help, it didnt at first but now it easies the stress some. I still have attacks about once a week but nothing big where I feel like dying. Depression is serious! Dont try alcohol for it! Ive done alot of research so if you need any help get my email from wil and we can talk! Ive been through alot of medication so far and doc says 1-4 people suffer you just cant tell it! Hell, if oyu seen me you would never guess im on the flip side! LOL

in your heart, you know i'm right
Mar 21, 2002
what you eat will affect the condition positively or negatively. also, exercise is releases endorphins.

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
Yep, the best mediacine for me is exercise, getting out of the house, ect.... meds work for some ppl, but make me feel worse (not to mention taking the lead out of the ol' pencil)

Also, a heart healthy diet, fruits, veggies: also good for the brain because depression is caused by chemical imbalanace...

other drugs and alcohol are also a big no-no

It's a constant battle buddy, if anyone with depression feels they need help, don't ever feel ashamed to seek it out

Sep 20, 2004
Exercise would help i believe, depending on your fitness level , and how hard or easy it would be to show progress.

I had a relative who was diagnosed as 'depressed' which was BS, just going through hard times like most people do at some point....She got to the point she was fed up with her life always being messed up...a lot of bad decisions...

So the Dr. prescribes Paxil, and she goes off the deep end, she went from sad and upset to suicidal!

Do not trust a Dr. so easily, who is ready to hand you a pill to make your world better!!! Plus it's very difficult to ween yourself off of these drugs...Drs. make money on pushing off these drugs on people where a very high percentage should not be taking them . Do the research!

I am very passionate about this subject and feel strongly that most drugs prescribed do more harm than good.

New member
Sep 21, 2002
most do, but most are very important, if someone suffers from clinicanl depression, i would say i more depressive than most, st. john's wort works like a charm, but do some research into it, i used a german brand with hypericin and hyperforin standardized, very important, since phytochemicals must assure some minimum dose of the (speculated or verified) active substance. I used it for a while, but, like all serotonin enhancers it did solidify my feelings a bit which i did not like that much, lately i am taking my regular dose of good qualtiy fish oil supplements with min 90% epa fatty acids, and i think they ve helped more than anything, don't know if it was just a chance coincidence but i was away and not taking them for a few days, and suddenly just for a few moments I had a depressive episode, you know of of those dark moods just for a couple of hours, nothing really scary just a feeling of pointlessness, a felt mood, not some intellectualization, needless to say i hit the bottle... of fish oils first thing. There have been some preliminary studies that would suggest they work, alone, or, and especially in conjuction with some antidepressants.

Above all you should find some therapist with a good grasp of both commercial pharmaceuticals and alternative therapies, it's not that easy to find, and they shouldn't be too gang ho for either, you get lots of dickhead docs out to turn a back out of the pharmaceuticals on one end and a lot of snake oil loony new age type on the other end but there is a happy medium that can be found. Much easier, and better to assess all that with someone who knows, saves a lot of time and grief, but like i said try to gauge where they re coming from.

As other people have said exersice and lifestyle adjustments work, but sometimes not on their own.

If you feel you are depressed, i should probably not be saying this in a gambling forum but this is also a community of sorts, you really shoudln't gamble, either gamble less, or not at all, gambling is very powerful, very addictive stressor and few can handle it properly.

If you need any help ask away, i ve got both proffesional and personal background in all these, but by all means and above all find someone trustworthy and knowledgeable professional and strike a helping positive relationship with them if, and maybe before, feeling too overwhelmed.


New member
Sep 21, 2002
"Also, a heart healthy diet, fruits, veggies: also good for the brain because depression is caused by chemical imbalanace...

other drugs and alcohol are also a big no-no

It's a constant battle buddy, if anyone with depression feels they need help, don't ever feel ashamed to seek it out"

btw well said by ego, the "ashamed" bit is very important especially for us men, being who we are, and expecting ourselves to be a lot of very hard things to live up to. Very true about alcohol too, can't tell you how much my depression has lifted since i ve quit drinking, nine months already, thank very much.

AIG Bonus Recipient
Feb 15, 2006
1 Exercise
2 Good food
3 Stay busy no matter what.
4 Try to stay off meds unless you are extreme and have to have them.

Sleep....good sleep habits

New member
Oct 3, 2004
I've been on and off anti depresants for about 5 years. I suffer also with that and anxiety (alprazolam/xanax does wonders for that). I may try that St John's wort. But depression is more serious than the average person realizes. I don't think it ever goes away and is related to other health issues.

New member
Sep 21, 2002
"But depression is more serious than the average person realizes. I don't think it ever goes away and is related to other health issues."

that's very true, but it has it's ups and downs and environmental stressors and coping mechanisms play a great part too.

She's either funnin' or bunnin' or else I'm runnin
Jan 11, 2005
Hang in there my friend. I would speak to your friends rather than a professional shrink. Frineds care for you, shrinks time you and want your money.

Another thing, make a list of success that you had in life. example) winning a sports event, banging a hot chick, making a sale in business, good friends you have made, good friends you have helped, the love you have for your family, you still have your hair!,kindness to your pets, etc..

Remember where you came from and how much work you have put in to be where you are today.

A man is never judged by how may times they have had success, but by how many times they can pick themselves up and move forward.

Take it a step at a time and the best of luck!!!

Sol II


New member
Jul 11, 2005
Im not big on the medical field - but one area they've done great progress is with mental health. There are wonderful meds out there that will control any form of depression.

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